Once you're 100% certain that your website is clean and does not contain any malware, you can request the Google team to review your website. You should know that Google reviews these requests manually. Therefore, if you have too many rejected requests, Google will flag you as a ‘Repeat Offender’. After that, you must cool your heels for 30 days before filing a new request. 

Google blacklist removal steps: 

  1. Go to Google Search Console account
  2. Click on the Security Issues tab, and navigate to the bottom of the screen
  3. Hit the ‘Request a review’ button
  4. Use the form to indicate all the steps you took to resolve the security issues
  5. Submit
Submitting request review in google search console

After submitting the form, be patient. Each request takes a few days to be resolved, but there is nothing you can do to hasten the process.