Visual Changes

How do I add a new page for visual monitoring?
To add a new page, go to the uptime monitoring section in your dashboard and click ‘Advanced Monitoring’ Click on 'Add Monitor’' ...
Thu, 28 Dec, 2023 at 7:23 PM
What is visual monitoring in website management?
Visual monitoring is a process where we track the visual appearance of your website's pages over time. It compares current snapshots of your pages with ...
Thu, 28 Dec, 2023 at 7:23 PM
How can I update the reference point for a monitored page?
To update the reference point, navigate to the specific page you are monitoring in your dashboard. Click on ‘Refresh Reference Point', and th...
Thu, 28 Dec, 2023 at 7:24 PM
What does the threshold for visual changes mean?
The threshold for visual changes is a sensitivity setting that determines how much a page must change visually before an alert is triggered. A lower thresho...
Thu, 28 Dec, 2023 at 7:25 PM
How do I change the frequency of visual monitoring checks?
To change the frequency, go to the visual monitoring settings in your dashboard. You'll find options to set how often the system checks your ...
Thu, 28 Dec, 2023 at 7:25 PM
I received a visual change alert. What should I do next?
First, review the alert details in your dashboard to understand what changes were detected. Compare the current snapshot with the reference image. If the ch...
Thu, 28 Dec, 2023 at 7:26 PM
How can I differentiate between significant and minor visual changes?
Significant changes usually involve major layout shifts, color alterations, or the addition/removal of large elements. Minor changes might be small text edi...
Thu, 28 Dec, 2023 at 7:26 PM
Where can I view the history of my website's visual changes?
The history of visual changes can be accessed in the visual monitoring section of your dashboard. Here, you'll find a log of all detected cha...
Thu, 28 Dec, 2023 at 7:27 PM
What should I do if I believe a visual change alert is a false alarm?
First, review the detected change to confirm whether it's a false alarm. If it is, consider adjusting your threshold settings to reduce sensitivity. If ...
Thu, 28 Dec, 2023 at 7:27 PM
How can I use the visual monitoring tool to improve my website's performance?
By ensuring visual consistency, you enhance user experience, which is crucial for performance. Use the tool to quickly identify and rectify unintended chang...
Thu, 28 Dec, 2023 at 7:27 PM